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Merge and Emerge
Sadhak's form
A problem was detected in the following Form. Submitting it could result in errors. Please contact the site administrator.
Sadhak's Name
Sadhak's Date of Birth
Sadhak's Email
Sadhak's Phone number
Parent's Name
Parent's Phone Number
Sadhak's Address
Sadhak's photo
Declaration from Sadhak
I have my family's consent for joining Merge and Emerge.
I will be loyal to Merge and Emerge and learn dhyan with gratitude.
Smoking and Drinking Alcohol is not allowed
I do not smoke or drink alcohol.
I smoke/drink alcohol. But I am ready to quit.
I smoke/drink alcohol. I am NOT ready to quit.
Are you a part of any other spiritual organization?
Which spiritual organization are you a part of?
I AGREE to the terms and conditions of Merge and Emerge.
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